I've asked/ask this question mentally to myself and others in every situation possible.
I am not my life's experiences -positive or negative, traumatic or blissful although they mold my ego and projected personality and impact my outlook on this realm of life.
I am not my parents, friends and family-they simply fall into the realm of experiences and influencers as well.
I am not my education of MBAs, various degrees and certifications and other industry awards.
I am not my work, my long-standing IT career, my hobbies, or the roles I play in and out of the home.
There is the I who is the witness, the observer, the experiencer, the dancer and dance partner in this dance of the universe in this temporary physical form in this temporal space and time.
Who am I when I sleep and in the dream state? Did I die in my state of sleep. Do I only exist in my state of wakefulness?
I AM what I am-Here, Now and forever, inside and outside this body. I am connected to everyone else and not separate from the divinity that weaves the silver web amongst all of us.
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