Tuesday, October 29, 2013

About Karma

The definition or usage of the word Karma may seem elusive, vague or overused.  The word Karma stems from Sanskrit where it means "Action". The root word is "Kri" which means "To do". Therefore everything we do in words, thoughts, actions is karma.
Physicist Isaac Newton's 3rd law of motion which is widely used when referring to karma is relevant-"For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction".   This law is easily observed and measured on physical objects. How is this relevant in the mundane yet subtle and perhaps immeasurable world of human interaction, thought, and speech?
Everything we do, say and think sets in motion a reaction. To observe our own karmas in motion, we need to ask ourselves - How do WE operate in the world? What situations in life mirror our internal realities for us? How do we perceive ourselves, the world and others around us? What are our filters, beliefs and assumptions about all things? And are they real? Or is it simply our perception? What are our judgments about what is right or wrong? What are we offended by?
We gain our wisdom from the hindsight of our experiences and by understanding its outcome and its effect on us and others.  How can we raise this awareness to the forefront well before the outcome has occurred. This requires bringing a level of attention and awareness to our actions, words, and thoughts.  It may be obvious to observe our actions in effect when we do them with a goal or intent in mind (consciously or unconsciously) by the outcome of our actions. This may also be observed in our speech. We may even say words that appear positive but may feel inauthentic but somehow meets our intent.
Of the three, the karma of thought may appear to be the most innocuous. In fact, our thoughts set into motion more reactions in our reality. These thoughts/ karmas eventually settle into our sub-conscious as layers of karmic patterns to be resolved (samskaras).
Start observing patterns re-occurring in our lives. Notice what are we attracting to ourselves through our thoughts. Observe our self-sabotaging thoughts that we indulge in from moment to moment. What does this permit us to do or how does this prevent us/protect us from or facing a truth? What assumptions do we make about the person that we see at a traffic light or at the grocery store or on the street based on their appearance, behavior, speech or demeanor?
Begin by expressing thoughts of gratitude- for your life, for all your gifts big or small and the good fortune to have this life no matter what it looks like. Find small things to express your gratitude-for the bed you sleep in, for the shelter over your head, for the car you drive, for your clean drinking water, for the meal you ate today, for your loved ones, for your sense of hearing, sight, taste, smell and touch and so on......
Expand this by expressing your thoughts of gratitude for the people around you, your city, your state, your country and the world and all of its inhabitants and notice how your world changes one karma at a time. Peace and Blessings!
"To learn more about us, please go to our website  www.atmanandam.org or follow us on Facebook and Like Atmanandam Mission Trust"

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